“Onye na Chi ya” means One with his or her God(beliefs). The Igbo people have a proverb that says when a person is dancing on the road, know that he’s dancing to the beats from the forest. We are all in conversation with our identities, our beliefs, our values. For one to be with his or her “Chi” is to commune, to surrender, to relate, to converse with ones spirituality. Your Chi is your belief. Today in human history everybody is left with his or her Chi. These works explore the juxtaposition of individualistic beliefs and communal propagation. While we differ in many ways, the embroidery of our values is what defines humanity. Humanity is what the world needs today.
Africa, Our Neighbour: Panel discussion Guests: Nicol Adamcová, Kalifa Samaké, Ifesinachi Comedy Nwanyanwu, Arkira Touré
The world’s fastest growing continent, Africa, is facing climate change, security conflicts, unemployment, massive internal migration and growing dissatisfaction of the young population that calls for better government and more justice and social emancipation. The continent is also becoming one of the priorities of the Czech and European foreign policies. The stronger Africa is, the stronger we are too. Why should we care about maintaining an equal partnership with our African neighbour and what are our shared perspectives and opportunities for us to use?
Shoppingbags – the Nigerian parlance “chop chop” means to eat, to chop money is to spend money, extravagantly. Every day we chop money in different places of choice. We also chop plastic shopping bags, because in most cases they are used to package our chops. So with funding from Germany, under One Environment Hybrid, I campaigned on recycling, upcycling and possibly rejecting plastic shopping bags. Months back I set up a plastic shopping bag collection table at Novare Gateway, a major shopping mall in Abuja. People donated single use plastic bags which I used to create this Shopping bag! Plastic shopping bags are toxic, and we lack the infrastructure for proper management of the waste generated. They end up in landfills and natural environment, causing more harm than the average 12 minutes usage. When next you chop money, chop remain for the environment.
Ifesinachi Nwanyanwu’s project with the Czech Radio where he designed original cover for the alternative collection of music R(A)DIO(CUSTICA) Selected 2003–2017 from the program R(A)DIO(CUSTICA).
RFI: 22/4/2018 Abuja: Gros consommateur de plastique, le Nigeria génère plusieurs dizaines de millions de tonnes de déchets chaque année à travers le pays. Faute d’investisseurs et d’intérêt national pour la cause environnementale, la filière du recyclage stagne au stade embryonnaire. Mais de plus en plus d’individus aspirent à bousculer les consciences. C’est le cas d’un artiste Ifesinachi Comedy Nwanyanwu.